Being a solopreneur these days, gives us a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in our business and in the world.

But do you find each day you turn up to your office with the same excitement and passion that you did when you started? Or is it a feeling of stress and dread because of all the work you must do and compliance that is expected of you each day?

How is your mental health?

Is it just you in your business? Are you flying solo? Is it time for you to start thinking about getting some help?

Do you need help to deal with some of the paperwork or administrative tasks that go along with your growing business?

If you answered ‘yes’ to that question, then have you thought about putting on a Virtual Assistant (VA) to help?

Growing your team and getting some help has many mental health benefits. The obvious ones are:

1. Having more time each day to deal with everything that you need to do; and

2. Not having to do those small tasks that you completely dislike.

3. Stop working on weekends or long hours during the week.

What are some other mental health benefits of hiring a VA?

Have a little think about your To-Do list. Are there tasks on there that you really dislike doing, and would happily give to someone else to do for you? Such as:

Accounts administration

This is a weekly task that you may not have time to do consistently. This can be easily managed by a VA with some accounts experience.

A VA can:

• Input your invoices
• Send them off to your clients
• Follow up on payments
• Copy/Scan receipts
• Save and record paperwork
• Send out statements and reminders for payment.
• Run your payroll

Imagine having someone else looking after this?

These tasks are so important in every business because cash flow is King. Your bookkeeper and accountant will be pleased if this is up to date. You will not have to scramble at BAS time or at the end of financial year to get everything organised. Keeping up to date with your accounts can take the stress away.

Just one mental health benefit of hiring a VA.

What about your social media marketing?

It can take up so much of your time. Imagine having someone to:

• Look after posting your blog.
• Or updating your Facebook and LinkedIn,
• Tweet about what is happening in your Industry

A VA can create campaigns to increase your profile in your social world. You will actually be able to enjoy using Facebook and Instagram again! It can stop being a business task and just bring you personal satisfaction.

Another mental health benefit of hiring a VA.

Then of course there is your Sales funnel.

Your VA can:
• Research specific industries that you would like to target for your sales.
• Update spreadsheets or software to always know what your sales are doing.
• Make key appointments for you so you do not have to spend time emailing back and forth to make an appointment.
• What about that follow up after the meeting? Do you have a templated email that your VA could send out to make sure that you keep in touch with your sales contacts?
• Or add new sales contacts and other networking contacts that you have made to your mailing lists and including them in your newsletters.

Your VA can do this and more! It is the small things that matter!

This could be you!

Delegating these tasks to a VA, can create very real mental health benefits for you.

So much can be accomplished in your business. Hiring a VA gives you back some of the precious time you could be spending on growth. Time in business does equal money and if you can save time then you can actually make money. You can consider your VA a money making investment.

Most people think that administration is a cost to a business but if your business grows because you have freed up your time then the cost is so worth it!

Described above are many tasks that a VA can help you with, and there are so many more!

Consider your mental health and as a Solopreneur look to the future of your business and how you can grow by growing your team.

Feel free to contact me to see how we can match a VA to suit your business needs.

Rebecca Deane from Creating Change Psychology comments on our blog:

Typically those of us running small businesses like to achieve. We have high expectations of ourselves and want things done right.
We stay at the office for long hours to complete tasks, we make that extra phone calls to avoid letting people down, we troll through our social media planning
and adjusting, then lie awake at night worrying about what we could have done better or what we need to do next.
Sleep disruption, stress and relying on alcohol to wind down have all been shown to increase irritability, reduce concentration & focus and can create avoidance.
These have a massive impact on our efficiency at work, the quality of our family life and our health.
Don’t hesitate in seeking support with your work as it is the most effective way to keep you mentally healthy and
resilient in the face of ongoing business challenges and growth.
– Rebecca Deane, Senior Clinical Psychologist & Director of Creating Change