How often do we write something down to do but never get to it?

We want to plan our work life and write a list of all those tasks and goals but we just don’t get to them.

So now’s the time to make an easy plan we can create and follow. It is all about creating routines and habits in order to become successful.

Step 1.

What is your time frame?
This month, quarter, half year, full year? Or even five years?
Let’s start with a quarter (3 months). April to June. Planning in quarters is pretty standard, and you have 2 weeks until the next quarter.

Step 2

Look at the sort of subjects or areas in your business you know you need to work on and need to create more successful plans, so you can grow that area of your business. Some areas might include sales and marketing or financial tasks. All of these areas deserve to be planned and worked on and will be much more successful if you do that.

Step 3

Break it down. If you decide to work on Marketing, then look at each of the areas you would like to plan around.
For example social media, website marketing, collateral, email marketing, or branding.

Step 4

Look at each of those areas and break them down to create actionable goals for each of them. Write a more comprehensive plan of what you would like to achieve. Aim to seek help to actually carry out all of the actions for example staff, contractors etc a virtual assistant also might be able to help you.

Step 5

Write a timeline
Show on a calendar, you can call it your marketing calendar, what you would like to achieve in each week for marketing. You have 2 weeks left of this quarter. Then you can do April to June.

Step 6

Now is the hard part. Actually getting it done. ACT now!

Last month I wrote about SOAR: Solutions, Ownership, Accountability, Responsibility.
The problem is you don’t achieve your goals. The solution is to make a plan to follow. Now own these tasks. Make yourself accountable to achieve them and speak to your business coach or business group or your staff to make yourself accountable. Take responsibility and ACT NOW! Get it done.
So you have one main goal and a number of mini goals to help achieve your new marketing / sales plan etc.

Go back to step 3 and decide your next goal and do steps 3 to 6 now. You have done it…you have a plan! So act now and go forward. You have you on your side so help yourself and your business to be successful by planning to succeed.

If you need help with the planning or implementation, please feel free to contact us at Streamlined Organising. We can sit with you and go through this step-by-step and be your accountability person. We can set a plan in place so that you actually get it all done.


Need Help? Contact us. Streamlined, Organised and Grow.