Merry Christmas!

Well maybe not yet!

With Christmas looming, we are all in a last minute mad rush… It is happening NOW!

At this time of year, everyone wants everything NOW! And you want everything to be finished so you can relax and enjoy time with your family and friends.

But you may be pulling your hair our wondering HOW you will possibly get everything done?

The answer is a golden oldie… Time Management!

Let’s go back to the basic principles and see how Time Management and your To Do List can help you get through this crazy time.

Stop and take 15 minutes to go through all the work you would like to have completed before the end of December. For most people the magic date is 21 December 2018.
Make a list…it could be written with checkboxes to tick off or digital to share and delegate (choose a method best for you).

Now be serious about this list… Ask yourself some questions…

Can you realistically get it all done? If you are now swearing at me, there is no need – I’VE GOT YOU! Just breathe and read on… If you are wondering if this is even possible then FOLLOW These 7 Important steps…

Step 1:

• Can you identify anything on your list that could be done in January or February? If you answered yes, then schedule these tasks in blocks of time in Jan and Feb…do it now… I will wait! You can add a calendar appointment or a reminder or just write a list and pin it up, so you can see it.

Step 2.

• December Tasks: Are there big tasks needing to be broken into smaller, more manageable bite sized pieces? If yes, then break them down and allocate estimated timeframes (We call it “adding the fat”).

Step 3.

• Can you delegate any of these tasks? Is there someone you work with that will take these tasks off your hands? Give them away. This is the best time to do it! This will help you focus on those more important tasks!

Step 4.

• Do you understand what the priorities are for your clients, for staff, and for the business both, pre, and post-Christmas? If you do, this will help you work out what is your highest priority, and what could possibly and simply be a conversation to extend timeframes.

Step 5.

• Ok, now look at your calendar. Oh yes, it’s probably crazy, just breathe – we’ll get it sorted… just breathe… ok now look at the events you have on between now and Christmas. Look at how much time you have to get your to-do list done? You still need to sleep so be sure not to stretch yourself too far, its bad for body mind and soul.

Step 6.

• Ok you have now worked out how many hours/days/weeks you have to work with … so now go down your to do list and calculate approximately how much time each task will take to see if you can fit it all in. Don’t forget to allow for those inevitable interruptions. And allow time each day for your staff, clients and all those emails!

Step 7.

Start allocating dates to which you would like to start and finish these tasks. Make sure you have it all prioritised in order of urgency. This task can be daunting. Take a deep breath and be positive. This is achievable.

If there are still tasks remaining – remember we just need to be realistic. If the things at the bottom of the list don’t get done ask yourself is that okay? Ask yourself if you can delegate any or some of these tasks to people in your team?

If the answer is that you can’t delegate to a team member, then consider a virtual assistant, that is exactly what we are here for. To support you in the harder times, to relieve your stress and remind you that you’re not alone.

See now, don’t you feel so much better that you have a plan. Go to it!

Don’t forget to have a great time at Christmas. Spend some quality time with friends and family. Make sure you take a break to get over all the business and stress. Have fun and see you in the New Year!